Why Spiritualism Is Important Today, More Than Ever
Spiritualists come from every walk of life. We are bankers, builders, nurses, teachers, bookkeepers, sales clerks, electricians - any and all professions are attracted to Spiritualism. Every place you find thinking men and women coming together, you will find Spiritualists. Spiritualism is a science, philosophy and religion that satisfies both your logic, your mind and your heart. As the population contemplates the current conditions in the world today, they are seeking a greater understanding of the purpose of life and what can be done to improve individual life situations and the circumstances of the world. Spiritualism gives a person the key that can be used to find the answers she/he seeks. Spiritualism provides the knowledge that by using prayer and meditation, we can become more aware of our responsibilities to ourselves and to others. Through this inner awareness and guidance received through spirit communications, a person takes the necessary actions to improve his or her own life and contributes to the improved welfare of the entire human race.
Spiritualism is the KEY that sets humanity free! Free to live and grow in the physical through love and law; and free because we know that life is continuous, the spirit never dies. "There is no death, there are no dead."
The Objects of Spiritualism
- To teach the truths and principles expressed in the Declaration of Principles and in the Definitions of "Spiritualism," "A Spiritualist", "A Medium" and "A Spiritualist Healer" as adopted by the National Spiritualist Association of Churches of the United States of America;
- To teach and proclaim the Science, Philosophy and Religion of Modern Spiritualism;
- To encourage lectures on all subjects pertaining to the spiritual and secular welfare of humanity;
- To protest against every attempt to compel humanity to worship God in any particular or prescribed manner;
- To advocate and promote spiritual healing, and to protect and encourage Spiritualist teachers and mediums in all laudable efforts in giving evidence of proof to humanity of a continued intercourse and relationship between the living and the so-called dead;
- To encourage every person in holding present beliefs always open to restatement as growing thought and investigation reveal understanding of new truths thereby, leaving every individual free to follow the dictates of reason and conscience in spiritual as in secular affairs.